Pour une science du MBTI

Publié le par Harpo

Hi everyone! 


I wanted to post this topic because I needed your point of view


It's been three years or four I choose not to "believe" in the MBTI because I discover others models of personality like the Big Five or the NEO-PiR (Ipip) or the HEXACO. 

These models of personality are statistical, and psychologist work with them. 


The criticisms they make for the MBTI is simple: the test is not reliable (a profile can change in a day, week or a year). But the more I dig and the more I find MBTI seems interesting.


Let's face it clearly I think the Big Five is more clearly able to analyze behavior than the MBTI; why? When you answer a question your response are compared to other result, the test is extremely reliable (personality does rarely change over time), plus the test does not give a type but a spectrum, Open people is not a question of being 50% more or less N-S but its a question of centile 85% Openness is still strong but 90% would still be more open.

Moreover, with these subtypes you can have subfacets to have a much more detailed way to know your behavior Openness to Experience is made of aesthetic absorption and curiosity etc. These subfacets are also compared to other.

The Big Five and other model is dependant of the study of people they interviewed. Because each facets and subfacets is correlated with behavior the model becomes to be interesting only because of these correlations. Openness to Experience for example would not give anything interesting (saying that you're creative is very abstract) if you didnt study how Openness is correlated to the consumption of science fiction.


But the more I investigate and the more MBTI is essential. When you start to compare, you see that MBTI are not very different of the Big Five


For example the Big Five is made of Openness to Experience the ability to be drawn by art and science, Conscienciouness the ability to be organized, Extraversion the ability to be social and drawn by others, Agreability the capacity of being empathetic and caring, and Neuroticism.


It remembers you anything?


Yes High Openness seems like an N, Low Openness like an S

 Low and High Extraverstion, I/E

Low and High Conscientioussness, P/J

Low and High Agreability, T/F


The models are based on the same patterns. But whereas Big Five deals with behavior I make the bet that MBTI deals with representation.


You can be High in Extraversion behaviorally, and seeing you as an I for example. As you can be INTP, and have the behavior of an ENTP (High E, Low C, etc)


Representations of yourself is caused by the way society and your family makes you mirror yourself. Raison/Emotion, Prospectivity/Judgmental, or Abstractive/'Down to Earth' are not like the Big Five synonym of behavior, but of binary opposition that travels around the occidental societies. It shapes how you see yourself.   


The problem is that people who use the MBTI sometimes think that MBTI is not a spectrum and fails to see that it deals with archetypal representations. Just like the Big Five does rarely think in profile types.


To make MBTI a better tools we have to:

-Create subfacets of MBTI 

-Know that MBTI is also a spectrum

-Construct correlations of behavior and representation of ourself


The MBTI is extremely important because I remember a site that typed philosophers. And their philosophy could absolutely be typed by the MBTI because like I said before, the MBTI deals with social representation.

The MBTI is also extremely important because it develops the cause of personality in binary information (Also known as cognitive function) a thing that Big Five as not figure out yet.

These cognitive function are for John Beebe Ego/Parent/Child/Anima and Shadow etc



Parents are not only mythological archetypes, it is the role we filled when we feel superior (superiority complex), the Child is the opposite. Trickster and Critical Parents are what the internal system family (a new form of therapy) deals with and their effect is evidence based. These representation have an effect on our body!


These archetypes shapes our art and mythology! And MBTI is important to figure out types of imaginary character. A whole new science of fictional character can be developed with these models in fields like mass communication and analyze of cinematography or stories

Jung was a mythologist, MBTI has to be what he makes his life for and becoming a model of representation. 


I always figure my cognitive function to be type 

As an INFP I always said that











For someone who's asking I am 85% Open to Exp,45%, 45% Agreability, 12% Conscientiouness so I am behaviorally an INTP that s why the whole theory comes from aha 




Un nouveau modele peut émerger donc 

Qui prend en compte les représentations archetypales et les classent 


Les oppositions binaires du sqz peuvent être synthétisée en fonction des échelles du MBTIelles pourront définir les représentations des individus et leur utilisation dans l art mais aussi dans tous les domaines de la vie (anthropologie symbolique)

Ces représentations font partie du cerveau et sont relativement stables 

On en trouve dans la mythologie (Père ciel mère terre)

Elles correspondent à des mécaniques dans le cerveau très proche de la Spirale Dynamique en fonction des besoins de la individu 

Ces représentations se voient dans le PGI la personnalité et les valeurs. De différentes manières 

Elles préméditent comment les idées vont être reçues 


Je ne sais pas encore quoi faire des cognitives function, du modèle historique linéaire de la Spirale D et des "cognitives function" a l origine du comportement des Big Five


Le seul indice que j ai et la dualité entre supériorité/infériorité (notamment dans les comportements du Big Five). Autrui (ego)  et moi même ((Anima)

Ainsi que pour la shadow (inadéquation entre comportement et intention) action réaction (qui met en homestasie ou pas dans l enviro)


Qui ressemble a la théorie hégélienne spatialisée


Comme il y a une émission représentationnelle (qui ne veut pas forcément dire mais qui est memetique) il y a aussi une émission comportementale qui sert de signal a l autre qui veut dire (Semio)


En tout cas il y a quelque chose qui se passe dans les hautes et basses perceptions. Il ne fait aucun doute que les hautes perceptions (même) influence les signaux comportementaux et vice versa (les oppos binaires influencent le comportement )


L opposition Big five behavior et MBTI représentation ressemblent au couple même/gêne 

La memetique peut donc être identifié par des couples binaires d opposition (sqz)


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